Quantum Magnetic Health Resonance Analyzer - ₦ 40,000
Quantum Analyzer displays adequate information on your health conditions so you can take steps to prevent various diseases.
Comprehensive Information on Your Health Status - The quantum resonance magnetic analyzer can make wide range examination to your body.
Quick Access to Your Health Status - The quantum resonance magnetic analyzer machine can be use for fast, full body check up. For instance by holding the test rod in your palm for few minutes, your health status will be displayed.
Prevention of Diseases - The report provides information on deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals in your body system. You also get information on the state of organs such as kidneys. With the information you provide the missing nutrition in your body and stay healthy.
Rapid Result of Treatment - The medical test report can be used to monitor the progress of treatment and advice patients accordingly. When the cause of ailment is known treatment become faster, since you take product(s) based on your ailment.
Health Check Up Has No Side Effect - The health check up with the quantum resonance magnetic analyzer does not have negative radiation effect, so it’s not harmful to the body system.
There are over 30 main analysis items including:
Basic Physical Quality Analysis
Blood Sugar Analysis
Bone Disease Analysis
Bone Mineral Density Analysis
Brain Nerve Analysis
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Analysis
Gallbladder Function Analysis
Gastrointestinal Function Analysis
Gynaecology Analysis
Human Toxin Analysis
Kidney Function Analysis
Liver Function Analysis
Lung Function Analysis
Pancreatic Function Analysis
Rheumatoid Bone Disease Analysis
Trace Elements Analysis (Ca+, Fe, Se, Pb, Zn, Vitamin, etc.)
Male sexual function Analysis
Allergy Testing
Skin Analysis
Endocrine System Analysis
Immune System Analysis
Obesity and Nutrition
* The Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer does not treat diseases/ailments
Mrs OLUBOLA Adeleye. Tel/WHATSAPP: +2347087499733.
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